How to calculate ROI for intranet searchs

Designed for Intranet users, it fetch results in a format that is very similar to Google's SERP, including small excerpts and links to cached versions.
Want to give a try but can't find a way to convince your boss?
I've been talking about findability [French] on my French blog recently.
"[Findability is] the quality of being locatable or navigable. At the item level, we can evaluate to what degree a particular object is easy to discover or locate. At the system level, we can analyze how well a physical or digital environment supports navigation and retrieval."Morville
A lot a time is spent searchin' the web. A good corporate search engine should help prevent loosing too much time retrieving informations, especialy if it is for inside-the-firewall documents.
But how do you calculate ROI to be eable to buy a search engine?
Quite easy :
1. Let's say there is three categories of users. Heavy users; moderate users; light users.
2. Let's say category represents 20%, 30 % and 50% of the company. (these numbers are quite realist)
3. Let's put how long they look for information : 100 ; 50 ; 25 (let's say it is per year for each category of users).(average milage may vary.)
4. That's make for a 100 employees company, roughly for each category this much time spent (number of hour spent times number of employees): 2000 hrs; 1500 hrs; 1250 hrs. That's the number of hours per year spent looking for information in your 100-employee company.
To simplify the math, let's say all employees get a 50,000$ annual salary, that is a roughly 25$ per hour.
How much does it cost to look for information? That is 50,000$ for the first category(20employees x 100hrs x 25$/hr); 37,500$ for the second category; 31,250$ for the third category.
That's make 118,750$ per year
Let's put here a percentage of time saved with a good corporate search engine : 50% (that'a a guess). That's is a 59,375$ savings. Let's round it to 60K$ per year
You're now allowed to calculate the pay back period. My information told me that the low-end Google box start around 40K$ for a 2 year license.
That's rougly 3 months pay back period per two year. Now you can play with the numbers: time saving is half lower? double the pay back period. Employees receive 100K$/year?, cut in half the pay back period...
For knowlegde workers this is a good ROI proof to show to your boss. If Google is your primary internet tool, you might want it for your intranet too.
( I'm not affiliated with Google or any Search engine company )
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