Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dissemination of knowledge

I stumble over a very intersting blog that o focus on Open Access Anthropology. I'm not sure what this is really about, but sounds at the first sight an interessant topic. And thanks to the author, Enkerli, I'm now being a tag ;-)

You well know that I do blog most of the time in French. As per its French name, Zero Seconde, easily understandable, I do feel having zero second for what pleased me the most. And translating my posts in English would have been a pleasure. Beeing a father of two young kids, this already a miracle to have time to even blog in French so much -- and did I tell you I'm working for the most time-hungry industry : multimedia?

But here I am, coming back to this English version blog. That is all about the blog I found. And taking time to have a decent conversation. I see him having a passion that isn't so far away from mines.

As I can see -- and what I like the most about blogging-- is we can have a asynchonious conversation about a passion we have both of us ... at two different time. This would even be possible before the event of web. Web allow now backlinks that keep a conversation alive.

Dissemination of knowledge was one of my particular suject a while ago and if this isn't too bullish, I would like to point him directly to some of my earlier posts I maid about blog/academia/knowlewdge.

My thought behind this exchance is that he might take some of my insights and go further with it. That was the intent behind my postings. I'll happy if this happens. (And won't be sad neither if not). It has be writen in 2004-2005, so it might also seems a bit old at Internet time.

It is in French, but I guess this isn't an issue for him. I know that some of my insight has already been spread a bit in Spanish, but I guess so far he's my only gateway to the English speaking World. I wished I could be more fluent in English. Oh, well.

But first let me define what is blogging:

The blog is a very powerful tool for self-representation on a digital network that works as a proxy to identify a person when having "conversation" amongs peers over the network.

And here's some posts (in French) about it:

1- I do believe Academia represents the future of blog : the presure of "publish or die" will boost auto-publication among academia (especially young people).

2- "Posting before processing" allow a fast turn around of idea, something even less formal that a communication at a conference, that allow procesing more data.

3- Academia has to face a new challenger : a new pool of amateurs challenging their idea, creating new ones and manipulating some kinds of rhetoric tools that will take out some credibility of academia and give more to the "wishdom of crowd".

4- The blogosphere is a pool a amateurs' theories. Let's live with it: it won't desappear (i.e.: 911 conspiracy theories)

5. Academia developed a way to access to the world : this is way too heavy for the blogsphere. Having a ligher back channel may help -- but at a risk...

Other insightful posts-- you tell me if it's true-- can be found here.